News: New Digital Custodian Service Available in London

January 2018

What is a Digital Custodian?
One way of describing a Digital Custodian's activity is to start with the idea of a locksmith. You get locked out of your property and a locksmith helps you to get back in. I have performed digital locksmith activities in the past. This is normally when there is a dispute between parties and intellectual property needs retrieving. In the digital world this is known as hacking (legal) as opposed to cracking (illegal).

Another attribute of a Digital Custodian is akin to a keyholder, who safeguards the keys to a property allowing access when required.

In the digital world and especially with the cloud being so prevelent, a digital keyholder function minimises the need for a digital locksmith.

So, a Digital Custodian is like a digital keyholder. Preventing the need for a digital locksmith.

In a sentence, "With a Digital Custodian, you never lose access to your intellectual property".

Since 1994 I have built many digital systems for clients and I have found that I always protect the interests of my client. When I work for a business I always share my intellectual property and provide a digital keyholder service. Hence the term Digital Custodian represents my core service.

Who is my Digital Custodian?
I need 2 systems in place to protect me. UK Law and multi-factor authentication.
All my systems rely on this.

Why have a Digital Custodian?
Many IT projects fail because a Custodian has not been assigned. Many IT projects that have overrun or failed could have been successful with a Digital Custodian in place. Prevention is better than cure, however if a project has gone off the rails I can help. See my Case Studies page for more info.
